True if Canvas is used for vector rendering (Android 2). You can also force this by setting global variable L_PREFER_CANVAS to true before the Leaflet include on your page — sometimes it can increase performance dramatically when rendering thousands of circle markers, but currently suffers from a bug that causes removing such layers to be extremely slow.
How much to extend the clip area around the map view (relative to its size, e.g. 0.5 is half the screen in each direction). Smaller values mean that you will see clipped ends of paths while you're dragging the map, and bigger values decrease drawing performance.
True if SVG is used for vector rendering (true for most modern browsers).
True if VML is used for vector rendering (IE 6-8).
Binds a popup with a particular HTML content to a click on this path.
Binds a popup with a particular HTML content to a click on this path.
Binds a popup with a particular HTML content to a click on this path.
Brings the layer to the bottom of all path layers.
Brings the layer to the top of all path layers.
Closes the path's bound popup if it is opened.
Returns the LatLngBounds of the path.
Returns the current geographical position of the circle.
Returns the current radius of a circle. Units are in meters.
Should contain code that creates DOM elements for the overlay, adds them to map panes where they should belong and puts listeners on relevant map events. Called on map.addLayer(layer).
Should contain all clean up code that removes the overlay's elements from the DOM and removes listeners previously added in onAdd. Called on map.removeLayer(layer).
Redraws the layer. Sometimes useful after you changed the coordinates that the path uses.
Sets the position of a circle marker to a new location.
Sets the radius of a circle marker. Units are in pixels.
Changes the appearance of a Path based on the options in the Path options object.
Returns a GeoJSON representation of the circle marker (GeoJSON Point Feature).
Unbinds the popup previously bound to the path with bindPopup.
You can also use the following shortcut when you just need to make one additional method call.
You use L.Class.extend to define new classes, but you can use the same method on any class to inherit from it.
Instantiates a circle marker given a geographical point and optionally an options object. The default radius is 10 and can be altered by passing a "radius" member in the path options object.