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Interface FitBoundsOptions




Optional animate

animate: boolean

An equivalent of passing animate to both zoom and pan options (see below).

Optional debounceMoveend

debounceMoveend: boolean

If true, it will delay moveend event so that it doesn't happen many times in a row.

Optional maxZoom

maxZoom: number

The maximum possible zoom to use.

Default value: null

Optional padding

padding: Point

Equivalent of setting both top left and bottom right padding to the same value.

Default value: [0, 0].

Optional paddingBottomRight

paddingBottomRight: Point

The same for bottom right corner of the map.

Default value: [0, 0].

Optional paddingTopLeft

paddingTopLeft: Point

Sets the amount of padding in the top left corner of a map container that shouldn't be accounted for when setting the view to fit bounds. Useful if you have some control overlays on the map like a sidebar and you don't want them to obscure objects you're zooming to.

Default value: [0, 0].

Optional pan

Sets the options for the panning (without the zoom change) if it occurs.

Optional reset

reset: boolean

If true, the map view will be completely reset (without any animations).

Default value: false.

Optional zoom

Sets the options for the zoom change if it occurs.