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Interface PolylineDrawOptions


Implemented by



Optional allowIntersection

allowIntersection: boolean

Determines if line segments can cross.

Default value: 'true'

Optional drawError

Configuration options for the error that displays if an intersection is detected.

Optional guidelineDistance

guidelineDistance: number

Distance in pixels between each guide dash.

Default value: '20'

Optional icon

icon: Icon

The icon displayed when drawing a poly.

Default value: 'L.Icon.Default()'

Optional maxGuideLineLength

maxGuideLineLength: number

Distance in pixels between each guide dash.

Default value: '4000'

Optional metric

metric: boolean

Determines which measurement system (metric or imperial) is used.

Default value: 'true' - metric

Optional repeatMode

repeatMode: boolean

Determines if the draw tool remains enabled after drawing a shape.

Default value: 'false'

Optional shapeOptions

shapeOptions: PathOptions

The options used when drawing the shape on the map.

Optional showLength

showLength: boolean

Show the length of the drawn polyline in mÂ, ha or kmÂ. The length is only approximate and become less accurate the larger the polyline is.

Default value: 'false'

Optional zIndexOffset

zIndexOffset: number

This should be a high number to ensure that you can draw over all other layers on the map.

Default value: '2000'