The LeafletEditbarOptions interface is used as paramters for the creation of a LeafletEditbar.
var map = new LeafletMap(); map.create("map", { initialXMin: -88.679196, initialYMin: 24.326418, initialXMax: -79.57153, initialYMax: 30.892178 }); var geoJSON = { type: "Feature", geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates: [[-82.441, 29.200], [-82.441, 29.535]] }, properties: { } }; var mapGraphicOptions = { geometry: geoJSON.geometry, feature: geoJSON, shape: 'LineString' }; var mapGraphic = new MapGraphic(graphicOptions); var editingProvider = new LeafletEditProvider('gev', map); var editbarOptions = { map: map, editingProvider: editingProvider, mapGraphic: mapGraphic, selectionManager: GraphicSelectionService };
Property editingProvider is a LeafletEditProvider
Property map is a LeafletMap
Property mapGraphic is a MapGraphic
The LeafletEditbarOptions interface is used as paramters for the creation of a LeafletEditbar.
var map = new LeafletMap();
map.create("map", { initialXMin: -88.679196, initialYMin: 24.326418, initialXMax: -79.57153, initialYMax: 30.892178 });
var geoJSON = { type: "Feature", geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates: [[-82.441, 29.200], [-82.441, 29.535]] }, properties: { } };
var mapGraphicOptions = { geometry: geoJSON.geometry, feature: geoJSON, shape: 'LineString' };
var mapGraphic = new MapGraphic(graphicOptions);
var editingProvider = new LeafletEditProvider('gev', map);
var editbarOptions = { map: map, editingProvider: editingProvider, mapGraphic: mapGraphic, selectionManager: GraphicSelectionService };